
Camp Corner


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Why The Pumpkin? Look2

Many centuries ago, as the summer harvest came to an end, the Celtic people prepared for the dark of winter by building big bonfires in their fields.  They believed evil spirits lurked in the shadows around the bonfires, so they wanted light to guide their paths to and from the bonfires. The Celts carved faces on large turnips and then hollowed out the inside of the vegetable so a candle could sit within it. The light shining out through the carved faces scared away evil spirits. It also showed the way to their homes for the good spirits and for travelers.

In 1584, French explorer Jacques Cartier explored the St. Lawrence region of North America. He reported finding “gros melons.” “Pompions” became the term in English, which eventually became “pumpkin.”  When the immigrants arrived in America and found a bountiful supply of pumpkins, they soon adopted the pumpkin as the best fruit (and it is a fruit!) for carving Jack O’Lanterns.

Pumpkins belong to the gourd family, which includes cucumbers, honeydew melons, cantaloupe, watermelons, and zucchini.  They are indigenous to the western hemisphere.                                

Show us your Punkin Carving & post on Facebook 

Encouragement is Needed

Late last week Michelle, our camp cook for 12 years was rushed to the hospital for pneumonia. The doctors thought it would be best to put her into a coma to help her lungs recover. After 3 days or so the Dr's. slowly brought her back to consciousness. On Monday she was moved out of the intensive care unit (ICU) and seems to be making progress for recovery. I am sure she would love to hear from you. If you would like to send her some best wishes, you can send her an email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or you can facebook your kind words of encouragement. 
Chess - The Game of Kings
has come to SNC. If you enjoy playing chess, we will have a designated spot for our new outdoor chess game. So challenge a friend or just play a friendly game of chess. 
Do You Remember These Happy Faces? 
Last week Dylan and J got married in Dylan's home state of Tennessee. J has been around camp as a camper, LIT and Counselor for over 10 years. While Dylan came to camp as counselor for 2 summers and ran riflery. After years of dating they decided it was time to become husband and wife. The wedding had many SNC staffers attending including Beth all the way from Australia.
Give Dylan and J Best Wishes on Facebook
Look who I found getting ready for Halloween. Do they need a costume?

Look who was in Chicagoland recently. Can you name them?

For years campers and parents alike have been asking for some new SNC swag in our camp store. Recently, an idea came our way a Pop Up Store with loads of SNC Swag.
The store will be open for only 3 weeks (November 1st- November 17th) and we guarantee all items will arrive before the holidays...SO WHY NOT START YOUR SHOPPING LONG BEFORE BLACK FRIDAY and get some limited 
edition camp clothing.
Chose from-Hooded Sweatshirts-Flannels-V Necks-Pants, Socks, Hats & More
So if you have been around Swift for many years, you would have had the pleasure to meet one swell guy Travis. He has a way about him that makes everyone feel more valued and good about themselves. Whenever we speak to him, he reflects on how wonderful SNC is and how he wishes he could return each summer. Nearly a year ago Travis returned back to the USA from Africa where he spent 2 years with the Peace Corp.  He currently lives in Chicago and works as a BEE KEEPER.
To learn more read this article with TravisA Summer Camp Bee Keeper
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Read 2752 times Last modified on Wednesday, 30 October 2019 15:59


25 Baybrook Ln.

Oak Brook, IL 60523

Phone: 630-654-8036



W7471 Ernie Swift Rd.

Minong, WI 54859

Phone: 715-466-5666
