
Leardership at Summer Camp

Children's Camp 2095 copySwift Nature Camp a Wisconsin Summer Camp is home to many children each summer with many joining our Dino Club by being at camp for 7 summers. A true Commitment to camp. Yet camp is limited, one can only attend for from 6-15 then your camper days are finished. So what is a camper to do? Our camp like others, offers a Teen Leadership Program (CIT-JC). This program gives camper who love camp a chance to return with increased responsibility. It is their time to see the insides of camp and give back to the community they love. So even before entering college, 16 & 17 year old's get to take some hands on responsibility.  And, this program is not only for SNC older campers, some of our best have been teens who are new to Swift Nature Camp.


Often College is seen as a new beginning for students because their reputations and accomplishments are left behind. Summer camp is often has this same New Beginning as a camper and that is one reason SNC is so special. A Leadership Camp Program also starts afresh, because who you were as a camper does not tell who you will be as a Leader. During a campers time at camp they have seen the great and not so great. They have seen counselors who were super heroes and were their role models. The key is to get a New Leader to find the skills that they once admired and replicate them for the younger kids.  So whats different?  Now, they have opportunity to show initiative and responsibility by performing the duties of a camp counselor.  This provides entry level work experience and gives them a new understanding how camp works.  For some, joining the Leadership Camp means being  accountable and they must report to daily for Leadership class as well as a review of their daily progress. It's kinda like Life School but with hands on application. As a camper camp is all fun and games but being part of this Leadership Training, one sees the never ending work, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week with children along with the huge resonsibility, they learn what the work world has in store.


Regardless of whether a teen takes a traditional summer job or some another internship,  they should first consider being at camp in leadership role, it is a life changer.  It puts them in a position to care for others, motivate kids and a learn life skills that are need for the 21st Century. All away from screens and in the beauty of the Northwoods.


Read 2073 times Last modified on Friday, 24 February 2017 17:46


25 Baybrook Ln.

Oak Brook, IL 60523

Phone: 630-654-8036



W7471 Ernie Swift Rd.

Minong, WI 54859

Phone: 715-466-5666
