
Green Summer Camps

Summer school, all-year school, summer sports programs, and electronic media have become the staples of children’s play in recent years. Children are kept fully scheduled ....
with mostly indoor activities these days. The arena of play has come indoors. The light of the sun has been supplanted by the flickering lights of computer monitors and hand held game screens. Soon, however, changing times may call for a change in the way we consider our children prepared to live a whole life in the world they will inherit.

Our kids will need to find a way to reconnect with our natural environment to become participants in a global effort to restore ecological balance. Environmental awareness begins with a sense of personal connection to nature. 

How do parents bring back balance to a child’s experience? One answer has been around since the 1920’s: summer camp. Modern summer camps can guide kids back into a natural alliance with nature through the pure fun of movement. The challenges of summer camp are fun rather than stressful, but they are no less effective for developing a child’s sense of confidence and independence.

One good example of a modern “green” summer camp is Swift Nature Camp near Minong, Wisconsin. The directors have developed policies that promote camper experience perfectly attuned to the needs of the times, without sacrificing the great fun and memorable friendships that are the classic benefits of summer camp.

Jeff and Lonnie Lorenz, directors of Swift Nature Camp, begin with their policy on electronic devices. “We do not permit cellular phones, BlackBerries, pagers, radios, iPods, cassette or CD players, laser pens, TVs, Game Boys or digital cameras. They simply are not what camp is about.”

Swift Nature Camp combines traditional camp activities with ways to immerse themselves in and learn about nature is likeliest to succeed in inspiring environmental awareness in campers.

Read 2598 times Last modified on Monday, 14 March 2016 17:58


25 Baybrook Ln.

Oak Brook, IL 60523

Phone: 630-654-8036



W7471 Ernie Swift Rd.

Minong, WI 54859

Phone: 715-466-5666
