
Why My Child Can Not Have A Cell Phone At Camp

So here it is a few days into summer camp and you miss your child. That’s normal. So you pick up tyour cell phone and start to call your child’s cell phone. Then it hits you, summer camp has a NO contact policy! Why would such a thing exist? To make the parents suffer? Well, maybe its much more than this.
Here is the secret, a large part of the magic of an overnight summer camp experience is being in a closed community that is conscious. Summer camp if done well totally immerses a child. They live camp with their camp friends, and become part of the story of camp. So how does a cell phone ruin this adventure. It butts into the “life of camp” and brings children the reality of back home. For this reason many directors discourage parents from calling their campers and seem even discourage visiting . Camp Directors want to provide “creative separation” which allow the children to develop a healthy sense of independence, in turn leading to a healthy sense of adventure. For many children this is their first time away from home and it is in a protected child centered environment that only leeds to good results. Most camp directors want parents to see everything that happens at camp but that is not possible if you buy into the giving your child a secure freedom. So some have gone to daily publishing photos on their websites, newsletters, periodic Tweets , or videos. Some Directors have tossed off technology and encouraged each parent to call the office and ask about their child. Remember most camp Directors want to help you after all we are parents too.
This cult we call summer camp has its positive impact soon children forget about the cliques at school, their concerns about grades, and what their friends are doing and wearing.Summer Camp will replace these things with campfires, caring for others, singing in the dining hall, trying new things and increase their growth as a paddler, a rider, a gymnast, and a climber. Even more, they will be replaced by a community of friends 

Okay So you don’t buy it! You need to be in touch with your child. You know you are a helicopter parent. No need to fret.? There are a huge variety in the ways different camps help parents and campers stay in touch. Some camps allow campers to carry cell phones, some allow access to email. Many camps have visiting days. Every camp is different so be sure you ask the director how communication happens before you enroll in camp. This may also be a growing time for you ... getting you ready for those not to far off college days.

Read 3327 times Last modified on Monday, 14 March 2016 22:33


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