Displaying items by tag: fall camp
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Dear Fellow Parents,
There is no doubt that this is a challenging time to be a parent. How do we make the best decisions about what is best for our kids, in an unprecedented time in history? If there were ever a time that we are called to pay attention to our kids’ needs, and to find a balance between our logical brain, parent’s heart, and gut instinct, that time is upon us right now. And new situations call for new solutions.
I am the parent of a bright, creative, artistic, insightful, funny, and social 13-year-old daughter. She is an only child in a two-household family. Her dad and I have each been working from home since March.
Although I am sharing this from my perspective and experience as a parent, I also come from a background in education and psychology. I have taught and counseled middle school, high school, and college students, taught Child & Adolescent Counseling at the graduate level, and as of this year have been in private practice as a psychotherapist for twenty years. Naturally, that colors my view.
Last Spring when school went online, I watched my daughter try to connect to middle school life through the only avenue available, the computer. We expanded her screen-time so that she could at least see her friends virtually. As the weeks went on, so did the monotony, and the absence of normal interactions with friends, classmates, and teachers became – especially for an only child – a heavy burden. It was painful to see a once lively kid now sitting at the dining room table with her head in her hands, trying to make the best of a bad situation, and feel, as a parent, that I had no options to offer.
We hoped that by summer, the virus would be tamed and she could go to the summer day camp she’d attended for the past few years. That was not to be.
We live in a community that has made the national news for anti-mask protests. Under the circumstances, I do not feel comfortable sending her to an environment where the population reshuffles daily. The prospects for her summer looked quite bleak.
Then a parent friend mentioned something about the safety bubble that some sleep-away camps had been able to create. I quickly began researching. Long story short, my daughter ended up spending three weeks at Swift Nature Camp in Northern Wisconsin, and happily did two weeks of full quarantine and daily temperature taking to be able to go.
To say this was a drastic departure for all of us is an enormous understatement! She had never been to overnight camp, and in fact, was never big on going to sleepovers at all. Yet, I put her on a bus, alone, to a place I’d never seen, to be supervised by people I’d never met, for three weeks! It was a chance for her to have the freedom to be a kid.
New situations call for new solutions.
Research shows that the social aspect of these childhood years is critical in the formation of self-esteem and self-mastery. For a kid, it’s the feeling that I can learn and grow, I know what I can do, and I can be trusted to do it. How kids come to see themselves is connected to how they are seen and acknowledged by others. They learn who they are and who they want to be during these years. This is the time of life when they begin to move away from us in increments that help them grow. What will become of this generation of kids who cannot even leave the house? This worries me, for my child, and for all children.
I was not ready to send her back to the school building this fall for the same reason I couldn’t send her to the day camp. But the thought of her—again—spending months glued to a screen and calling that “school” is terrible too.
So, when Swift Nature Camp offered a Fall Camp option, it felt like a brilliant relief!
Here is a chance to do online school, yet be outdoors having fun with other kids, and rather than suffering with monotony and loneliness, to have an extraordinary experience!
Yes it is expensive. But, here is how I see it. There are times when it cost more money to take care of our kids. Our family used to spend about $1,000 per month on day care and diapers. And that was over ten years ago!
The Fall Camp offers a once-in-a-lifetime experience, to have a “normal” kid experience, life free from many stressors, and an exceptional adventure, rather than being limited and constricted. This is a chance to be free and adventurous and learn new things, a chance to be outdoors soaking up all the wonderful aspects of nature, instead of being stuck inside alone. In my logical mind, parent’s heart, and trusty gut, a “once in a lifetime experience” is worth maxing out the credit card for.
And I know that the 8-week time period seems like a long time. I’ve heard parents say that they can’t imagine having their child gone so long. I understand this, and I will definitely miss my daughter a LOT – but, if I can provide her an opportunity to have an exceptional experience, that feels to me like part of my responsibility as a parent.
In other words, I do feel it is my job to “suck it up,” so to speak, and let her go have the freedom to run and yell and hike and kayak and canoe and play Capture the Flag and fall into bed exhausted from fresh air. I can’t give her that right now. But Swift Nature Camp CAN.
My parents grew up during the Great Depression, and it was a point of reference for them for their entire lives, and for me too, as it affected how they saw the world. Covid-19 will always be a point of reference for our kids in the same way. What will that mean for them? For us, as parents, I believe it means that new situations call for new solutions, and it is our job to use absolutely everything we have to help them through this time.
Dianne Frances, MFA, MS, LPC, NCC
Board Certified Psychotherapist
Welcome to Fall Educational Camp High School Students
We are currently looking for High School Students who are willing to lead during our Educational Camp. You will not only be in-charge of staying current with your own schooling and keeping your grades up but helping the children in your cabin. Qualities required include maturity, self motivation, child friendliness and being prepared to lead students in a professional manner. Fall Camp Jr Counselors will require less drama, more responsibility, leadership and motivation than a summer LIT because they will be working directly with one counselor. If you believe you can do the above, Please complete the below questions and email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Jr. Counselors Cost is $600 per week with Jr. Counselors making $500 for their time at camp. Tuition is payable over 4months beginning Sept 1st at $1200 per month.
Junior Counselor Application: SNC Fall Camp 2020
- 1) Why do you want to be a Junior Counselor at Fall Camp?
- 2) Because you will still be a student, schoolwork will still be your primary responsibility. How much time do you think you will need for schoolwork daily? What kind of grades do you expect to receive this year? How confident are you in your ability to complete all your schoolwork on time and with minimal oversight?
- 3) Which subjects would you be most comfortable assisting campers with?
- 4) What 3 words do you think your former counselors would use to describe you? Please give examples?
- 5) A Junior Counselor should be a leader and role model for everyone at camp. What are the top leadership skill you already have? How are you going to show it?
- 6) Describe an instance at SNC in which you positively impacted a younger camper’s life.
- 7) Fall Camp will still be camp, but with some big differences (school-first environment, daily screen time, smaller cabin groups, etc.). How will you adjust to these changes and help campers do the same?
- 8) Which part of Fall Camp are you most excited for? What are you most apprehensive about?
- 9) What does the phrase “Child-appropriate” mean to you?
- 10) What will you do to stop the spread of gossip and negativity?
Fall Educational Camp
Please read in total this page to better understand what Fall Camp is all about - More Info
The Best way to do distance learning is in a Pandemic Pod at a School/Camp
Spots for males only
Please Call 630-654-8036
With the reality of most children being at home for part or all of the coming school year, students will be isolated once more from friends and social situations, leaving them without the many joys of childhood.
We believe that children can complete thier E-learning school work in a fun camp environment with the support of caring staff and counselors. This will give students much-needed socialization and access to a variety of outdoor recreational activities, inturn allowing the freedom for kids to be kids.
What is Swift Nature Camp?
We are a small science and nature-based summer camp located in the Northwoods of Wisconsin that is becoming a micro-school for students with online/remote learning options. Camp provides a
social community with a dedicated staff of counselors, a nurse, and a cook all with a “for-the-kids” mindset. Swift Nature Camp is the perfect Learning Pod that gives students social interaction while completing their remote schooling and keeping students in a safe bubble away from COVID. After 25 years as youth development professionals, we understand that children learn best in a safe place with their peers, while having fun and building connections.
Benefits of Fall Educational Camp:
We believe that we can no longer let isolation and quarantine rob children of their childhood. At SNC, we provide:
*Much-needed socialization,
*A schoolwork-first environment,
*Less Fortnite/Youtube & Screentime,
*More time outdoors,
*Live COVID Free,
*A fun camp atmosphere,
*50 recreational activities,
*Healthier lifestyle,
*More freedom to be a kid,
*Increased flexibility for working parents.
The Concept:
What is Fall Educational Camp? The idea is simple: students will come to camp just like in the summer, but at fall camp their first priority will be to complete their online school programming. We will keep kids safe, help them learn effectively and be in a fun and supportive environment. The first half of the day will be spent in their cabin/classroom doing their schoolwork. Then in the afternoons, evenings, and weekends, they will be surrounded by their friends and counselors and have a more traditional camp experience: activities, special events, camping trips, and more. This will enhance their social and emotional growth by providing activities and experiences not available at home because of COVID-19 cancellations, closings, & isolation.
Students Wanted:
It is important for families to understand Fall camp is more like school than camp and not for every child. We are looking for children who are reasonably independent, like to learn, are well
behaved and will be kind to others. We will not have the supervision available to deal with reacurring behavioral issues. Students need to want to be here rather than be back at home in a quarantine situation. We understand that every child is different and some need reasonable accomodations, and if you are unsure your child meets these standards, please reach out to us and we can discuss in more detail.
Kids Need Interaction!
This summer, after months of isolation, we heard from campers of all ages that "camp was exactly what we needed". Camp provided them a chance to fully be kids - play outside, learn new things, make new friends, as well as create new memories without spending all day in front of a screen or quarantined at home. Believe it or not, we even had one camper say "I got tired of Fortnite!" As the school year comes closer, many families wonder what the fall looks like. Despite many schools doing their best to hold in-person classes, there is good chance your child will end up in another remote-learning situation, resulting in more isolation and reductions in social development, not to mention more difficult scheduling for working parents. Fall Educational Camp is a solution to today's COVID school world.
Keeping Students Safe:
After a summer of hard work, amazing support from families, persistent health reminders, and a bit of good fortune, we were able to give 200 campers a safe, happy, social and COVID free summer. We were able to create a "Safe Bubble" at camp which allowed campers to return to a sense of normalcy in the uncertainty of 2020. The CDC now says Schools can learn for Overnight Camps, watch GMA Report or read Washington Journal Report. With your continued support, we are confident in our ability to replicate out success with Fall Educational Camp. READ MORE
40 -campers from 3rd-8th grade.
8 Cabins with 5 students in each cabin. Students should require little encouragement to do their studies and are willing to do school work first and then have fun.
10 -High School Students, from 9rd-12th grade.
2 Cabins with 5 students in each cabin. We know that HS Students have heavier study schedules, so it is important that these High Schoolers are willing to study and are responsible enough to put school work first.
*Jr Counselors ages 15-17
High School students may choose to be a Jr Counselor. This will require a special application to ensure HS students are self motivated, child-friendly and are prepared to lead students in a professional manner. Fall Camp Jr Counselors will have more responsibility giving leadership and guidance of campers in daily living skills, with special attention to: Personal hygiene and safety, Camper participation in camp activities, Camper personal growth, self-confidence and independence through group living
Jr. Counselors will also have the responsibility of completing their schooling. This requires a commitment to creating a drama-free, schoolwork-first, and child-friendly environment. Please complete the application here.
Dates for Fall Camp:
Sept 27th - Nov 7th
Registration will close September 14th. Just like during the summer, we will require the campers to isolate at home before camp beginning September 14sth for roughly 2 weeks.
Don't be alone this fall. Have fun while doing your school work
Camper Cost is $650 per week, for a total of $3900. Payable over 4 months beginning Sept 1st at $975 per month
Jr. Counselors Cost is $600 per week, for a total of $3600.Payable over 4 months beginning Sept 1st at $900 per month. Jr Counselors will also receive $300 for thier time at camp.
Learn More about SNC
School Schedule & Classrooms:
School First, then Fun is our motto.
Our Counselors goal is to assist your child with their virtual E-learning as part tutor, part guide, and part motivator. Each week (or as soon as possible) parents will send us their child's schedule. From this, cabin counselors will create a cabin master schedule that will highlight when campers need to be online and what needs to be accomplished during the week. Our flexible daily cabin schedule (8am-3pm) will allow students to complete their online school work as required allowing for synchronous learning and live online classes as necessary (Zoom, Google Classroom, etc.). Other school work can be fit in around the mandatory times students must be at e-learning. This flexibility will also provide various breaks and lunches during the week, keeping it fresh for the students. Cabin groups will have the benefit of different learning environments and styles. Counselors will also be able to take their cabin to different areas to complete their work during the day, indoor areas like our nature center as well as our beautiful outdoor locations. How about doing your work on an island or from a pontoon boat? The main school room will be the back half of the cabin equipped with a school table and chairs as well as a table for schoolwork outside on the back porch. We believe with a small cabin size of 5 students along with daily structure it will be easier to get every student to participate in classwork. Yet, Counselors will have flexibility to select the learning environment and locations that are best for their students while monitoring work requirements and assuring success.
Camp is After School & Weekends:
After campers have met their educational requirements for the day, they will be able to take part in organized free time, group games and other outdoor activities to keep them engaged and involved in healthy lifestyles. On school holidays and weekends we will be able to provide full days of camp activities - things like hiking, canoeing, fishing, arts and crafts, campfires, special events and overnight camping trips on camp property. See website for activities. In addition, we will also be introducing new clubs (chess, drama, yoga, etc.) that bring some of the fun aspects of school to camp!
Weekday Flexible Schedule:
7:00 AM Wakeup
7:30 AM Breakfast
8:00 Am Chores & Clean up or Class starts
9:00 AM – 3:00 PM Flexible Remote Learning, lunch and breaks scheduled by each cabin as school schedule allows
3:00 – 4:00 PM Free Time*
4:00 – 5:00 PM Flexible Club Time*
5:00 – 6:00 PM Dinner
6:00 – 7:30 PM Games & Store*
7:30 – 8:00 PM Electronic Free Time*
8:00 - Cabin Time*
9:00 - 10:00pm Bed Time
* Our Schedule is flexible to meet everyones school needs,
these times may be used as additional study or homework time as needed
A motorcoach will be available from the Chicagoland area for a $100 fee each way, with stops in Rockford, Il and Madison, WI. Parents are also welcome to drop campers off directly at camp.
Students are encouraged to bring thier instrument to practice. If online classes are needed we will do our best to allocate time and space.
Unlike regular camp, each student will need to bring their own laptop and a WiFi hotspot device - this can be a cell phone or a hotspot device. Devices served by Verizon, ATT and T-Mobile can provide sufficient internet speeds - if you want to use another carrier you would need to consult them about availability. Campers will be able to use electronics to complete all of their schoolwork. Every evening campers will have 30 minutes of supervised electronic free-time, where they will have the option use their devise to talk to family, friends, or play online. 
Five campers will be housed in a heated cabin with one Counselor and a Jr. Counselor. Cabin groups will mostly be students in the same grade level, though some may have two grades.
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SNC will provide 3 delicious meals and additional snacks per day. Lunches will be a "bag lunch" to provide flexibility to the cabin to eat where and when they like. Special diets can be accommodated
Camp Store:
SNC camp store will be open weekly. Campers will get a weekly allowance and be able to buy neccesities. Additional fee of $150.00 the unused amount will be returned
Health Care:
Our wonderful camp nurse Melissa will remain at Fall Educational Camp to provide the same health care as during our summer camp.
COVID-19 Plan:
We will be using our same plan that worked during the summer. After a brief period of isolation, we were able to be mask and distance free because we created a safe bubble. Read More.
We are excited that many of our experienced counselors from this summer will be returning for Fall Educational Camp. In regards to schooling, over 1/2 of our counselors are studying to be teachers and will assist students at the same level as a parent would help. Counselors will provide social and emotional support and make sure that the children are meeting their educational commitments, but they will leave the teaching to the students' school teachers. Our counselors have agreed to spend the entire Fall Educational Camp session, as well as a two week quarantine at camp before campers arrive to ensure that camp stays COVID free.
We look forward to sharing the beautiful changing colors of the Northwoods with your child this fall. If you have any questions Please give us a call at 630-654-8036 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Please read the Parent Section on our website to understand the philosophy of SNC
If you know any other families that may be interested, please send them the link above. We are first opening up our Fall Educational Camp to the Swift family, however we know that we will also have new families joining us.
This summer we created a COVID Free SAFE BUBBLE - Over 200 campers were able to participate in camp. Thanks to self isolation before camp, along with masks and distancing for the first weeks and continual hand washing we were COVID FREE this summer. We can do it again for Fall Educational Camp.
Learning Pods
Student E-Learning is making it difficult for families to schedule Work & Studies In an effort to find a solution many parents are investing ray supplementing their children’s virtual education this fall.
Learning Pods or “pandemic pods” are popping up all over and are a new business They tend to be small, in-person groups of students learning together with the help of an in-person tutor or teacher. Others, create their own pod, from a small group of family or friends and then the pod will move from place to place with each family taking responsibility for the students 2 or 3 times week.
One of these might just be the perfect solution for your family during this difficult time or you might try the Educational Overnight Camp at SNC.