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COVID-19 Is Ramped & Summer Camps Are Gearing Up

For over a hundred years Ovenight Summer Camps have been providing outdoor fun and personal growth for America's youth. 2020 was the year of exceptions, resulting in  85% of the summer camps remaining closed. At Swift Nature Camp in Minong Wi. camp was on and COVID FREE. Swift Nature Camp attracts bright, curious and creative children with passion for nature and the outdoors. At camp, they tackle exciting adventures, and gain confidence and independence with their outdoor explorations. 

Buimage.jpegt, 2020 was different, many long standing SNC camp families were understandably reluctant to send their children to camp. Yet, with so many camps closed, many other families who did not know SNC, sent their children, making the summer of 2020 one of the busiest summers in 25 years. 

By creating a safe bubble, Jeff & Lonnie Lorenz knew that the children would appreciate camp more in 2020 than ever before. Jeff says "Despite all the rules to keep covid out, like isolating, masks, washing, cleaning and staying in pods it was still an amazing experience and much better than being in the basement looking at a screen."

 After the in camp isolation and masks wearing, the happiest day at camp was the day that camp was declared COVID free and the "safe bubble" was working. Campers were crazy with excitement. It meant that kids were again allowed to be kids and not worry at all about a pandemic. Swift Nature Camp was again a safe place.

In early May 2020 the government had given little support to help camp understand the best practices for summer camps to be open. Fortunately, the ACA (American Camp Association) had contracted with an outside environmental firm to put together a best practices plan to keep campers safe and reduce the spread of COVID. The plan worked flawlessly at Swift Nature Camp and never was there a reason to suspect a COVID case. In the summer, camps were a testing ground for many of the COVID plans like the "Safe Bubble" that the NBA used successfully in the fall of 2020. Camps helped lead the way that outdoors is a limiting factor in transfer of COVID-19.

So camp was coming to a close, we were sitting outside with our staff and we asked about their after summer plans. Not surprisingly, many colleges were doing classes online. So the question came up, "would you like to do school at summer camp?". Again, pandemonium erupted with the option of being at camp covid free, playing with kids and doing school. Thus was born the Fall School Camp that took place later that fall for 6 weeks. Being that we felt comfortable tackling COVID all that was needed was rearranging the camp schedule so students could get the school work they brought from home completed on time.  Many families loved the concept of giving their child the ability to have face to face contact along with outdoor exercise rather than staying home doing school work in isolation. The kids loved it. Because the group was small, it became more like family. Lonnie, the Camp Director says "It was amazing the students were so well behaved and friendly towards each other, their appreation for having such an opportunity was evident". Two of the greatest days were the day it snowed 4 inches and stayed around for 3 weeks and spending Halloween at camp including pumpkin carving and party at night. 

As we move to 2021, with a COVID vaccine slowly rolling out, it is clear that all of us have become more knowledgeable about the virus. As a residential summer camp that blazed the trail in 2020, this year will seem much easier. Today, we wait for the spring to give us more information, allowing more informed decisions to be made.  Safety is camps major concern, evaluation will take place and perhaps there will be less isolation & masks and more fun and friendships in the summer on the horizon.

Read 2264 times Last modified on Wednesday, 10 February 2021 16:36
Jeff Lorenz

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