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Camp Corner Newsletter May 2017

Memorial Day 1-3pm
Come Meet The Swift Nature Camp Staff
Ask Your Questions
Kids Play Games
Meet Critters from The Camp Zoo

This OPEN HOUSE is always a big hit. It is a great time to meet other campers and Staff! We will play games and answer any last minute questions you might have about camp, it's perfect as a "getting to know you time" before camp starts. If you are still not sure if Swift is the place for you this summer - stop on by, we love to talk about Swift Nature Camp.

WHEN: Monday May 29th

TIME: 1pm-3pm

WHERE: Willowbrook Wildlife Center (Glen Ellyn, Il -near College of DuPage) We hope you can make it to this fun program. Please dress for the weather. If you have any questions call us at 630-654-8036.

Happy Trails

Lonnie & Jeff


Camp Corner Newsletter
Just returned back from camp after a few weeks. While you are busy finishing up school we are busy getting ready for your summer camp adventures to start. Here are just a few things that we have been doing.
Who Stole the Swift Nature Camp Sign?

No need to worry... After 23 years we thought it was time to give the old sign a makeover. So as you come over the last hill on your way into camp please be sure to take a special look at the New camp sign and tell us what you think.
We have nearly doubled our canoe fleet for 2017, bringing our total number of canoes to near 40 in all.  Perfect for those Adventurous Canoe Trips we will be having this summer.

What Happens Before You Arrive to SNC?

Pre Camp is all about doing projects, so when you arrive, you can enjoy all the updates. This is Luis (from Mexico) It is his 2nd summer at SNC. He is usually seen around camp helping Super Tom fix and repair things.  Here Luis is replacing the benches on the Pontoon boat -Dah G Dah. Be sure and ask Luis to your table for Lunch some time, he loves hanging with the campers when he has time.
Super Tom
Every Summer Camp has a few unsung heroes, that work timelessly to make camp special for everyone. Super Tom is ours, he has been with camp since 2001 and he is the only member of the camp staff that lives on the camp property all year long.During winter it can get pretty lonely at camp with no other folks around. Maybe that's why every summer he is so excited to see us all. Tom is always ready to fix things that need fixing but more importantly he is ready to have a chat, so be sure to say "HI" to him when you see him at camp.

Grishin has lived in New Zealand for half of his life and the other half he lived in South Africa. Be sure to have him speak his native language for you... it is unlike any I have ever heard before. Grishin is sort of a sportsy guy and has played cricket and rugby for his school teams, he was even captain.  Do you think he is playing with an Erector Set in this picture? NOPE, he is actuall helping to rebuild to Boating Docks.
Welcome Billy

This is Billy's first summer at Swift Nature Camp. He is from Mexico and and will be helping Super Tom and Luis during the summer. One of our goals is to finish restaining the cabins, so that will take a lot of time and energy to sand off all the old paint to get them ready for stain. This will be Billy's main project of the summer- 5 more cabins to go.
Can you tell what Billy is working on in this picture? It's Dah-G-Dah the Pontoon Boat. For 2017, New carpet, floor boards and paint have been added.
Will it be the same color?
Did You Know that Swift Nature Camp had a full length Documentry made at camp? It follows a few of our campers around a normal day of camp.  The makers of the movie had a full range of the camp and were able to film anything they wished. The story that developed was a surprise to us all.
Be sure to get all the latest information so you are ready for 2017.
  • This Summers Information

  • Willy is happy to be back at camp. We will be celebrating his 10th Birthday. For him he is getting older and not as active as past summers. He has developed a slight limp and has become hard of hearing. So you might just see him lying down and sleeping, waiting for you to give him a belly rub.
    He can't wait for that....


Read 2460 times Last modified on Friday, 26 May 2017 01:59
Jeff Lorenz

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